Green Goddess Dip


Earlier this year I was able to get some family members on board with the RESTART Program. It was a strict 21 day sugar detox. Not an easy thing to do at first, but we LOVED it! We thought we didn’t eat much sugar until we learned about the world of hidden sugar. What an eye opener! Happy Healthy Sprouts taught a phenomenal class and we can’t thank her enough.
My biggest struggle was finding a snack I loved that was still RESTART compliant. I really wanted chips and dip…not an option. I ended up creating this recipe for Green Goddess Dip and never had to feel guilty indulging on this snack. It has a lot of flavor, healthy fat and no sugar. Have lots of your favorite veggies pre-cut so they’re easy to grab and dip. Happy snacking!

Green Goddess Dip

32 ounces plain full-fat yogurt
3 avocados
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup fresh dill, chopped
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
4 green onions, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Place all ingredients in the food processor and blend until smooth. Serve chilled with plenty of veggies for dipping.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Lauren Nardone